Úvod > Fórum > Software > Windows všeobecně > modrá smrt win 7 - výstup z programu whoCrashed

modrá smrt win 7 - výstup z programu whoCrashed

25.12.2012 12:13

Zdravím, padaj mi windows 7 a neumím zjistit proč.

Příznaky: při startu hlasí občas chybu větráku cpu ale nic mu není = teploty sou v normě. A dále padá při prohližení netu, nic náročnýho.

Většina ovladaču se nainstalovala při instalaci windows, sám sem aktualizoval jen grafiku a tiskárnu.

Moc prosim o rady, nevím co s tim dělat.

Tady je záznam o pádech z programu whoCrashed

System Information (local)


computer name: STOLNÍ-PC

windows version: Windows 7 Service Pack 1, 6.1, build: 7601

windows dir: C:Windows

CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor AMD586, level: 16

4 logical processors, active mask: 15
RAM: 4294238208 total
VM: 2147352576, free: 1947709440


Crash Dump Analysis


Crash dump directory: C:WindowsMinidump

Crash dumps are enabled on your computer.

On Tue 25.12.2012 10:46:21 GMT your computer crashed

crash dump file: C:WindowsMinidump122512-15568-01.dmp

This was probably caused by the following module: hal.dll (hal+0x1D1AE)

Bugcheck code: 0xA (0xFFFFF88008F15FF8, 0x2, 0x1, 0xFFFFF80002C2E1AE)

file path: C:Windowssystem32hal.dll

product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System

company: Microsoft Corporation

description: Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL

Bug check description: This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above.

This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system that cannot be identified at this time.

On Tue 25.12.2012 10:46:21 GMT your computer crashed

crash dump file: C:Windowsmemory.dmp

This was probably caused by the following module: af15bda.sys (AF15BDA+0x2361)

Bugcheck code: 0xA (0xFFFFF88008F15FF8, 0x2, 0x1, 0xFFFFF80002C2E1AE)


file path: C:Windowssystem32driversaf15bda.sys

product: AF9015 BDA Driver for USB Device

company: AfaTech
description: AF9015 BDA Driver

Bug check description: This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above.

This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: af15bda.sys (AF9015 BDA Driver , AfaTech ).

Google query: AfaTech IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL




2 crash dumps have been found and analyzed. A third party driver has been identified to be causing system crashes on your computer. It is strongly suggested that you check for updates for these drivers on their company websites. Click on the links below to search with Google for updates for these drivers:

af15bda.sys (AF9015 BDA Driver , AfaTech )

If no updates for these drivers are available, try searching with Google on the names of these drivers in combination the errors that have been reported for these drivers and include the brand and model name of your computer as well in the query. This often yields interesting results from discussions from users who have been experiencing similar problems.

Read the topic general suggestions for troubleshooting system crashes for more information.

Note that it's not always possible to state with certainty whether a reported driver is actually responsible for crashing your system or that the root cause is in another module. Nonetheless it's suggested you look for updates for the products that these drivers belong to and regularly visit Windows update or enable automatic updates for Windows. In case a piece of malfunctioning hardware is causing trouble, a search with Google on the bug check errors together with the model name and brand of your computer may help you investigate this further.

25.12.2012 13:23


25.12.2012 18:26
příspěvků:5 728

mas v pc dvbt tuner? ten to podle vseho zpusobuje, zkus ho updatnout, nebo naopak nahrat starsi verzi.

Na PM neodpovídám, do podpisu se snažte dávát co nejmenší písmo (místo výchozí dejte drobné nebo malé)
26.12.2012 23:18

jj, tuner mám.. a ten to může způsobovat i když zrovna na tv nekoukám ?

27.12.2012 07:08
příspěvků:5 728

ten to zpusobuje. respektive ovladac, zkus nainstalovat nejnovejsi. pokud mas nejnovejsi, tak starsi.

Na PM neodpovídám, do podpisu se snažte dávát co nejmenší písmo (místo výchozí dejte drobné nebo malé)
27.12.2012 11:26

díky za radu a jak z toho poznáš že se jedná o tuner ? abych příště věděl..

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