25.02.2012 13:51 příspěvků:29 | Čau chtěl bych se zeptat jaké předpoklady mají hry BF3 a MW3 na počítač,např.Kolik jáder v processoru,Kolik Gb grafika ?,Kolik GB ram ? atd. díky za odpovědi |
25.02.2012 13:59 příspěvků:680 | stačí do googlu napsat bf3 hw požadavky. http://www.battlefield-3.cz/battlefield-3/hw-pozadavky/ MB: ASUS M5A78L-M LX V2
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 960T Black Edition
CASE: Eurocase MiddleTower 301
ZDROJ: Fortron Green Power AX550-60APN 550W OEM
PAMĚŤ: Kingston 8GB KIT DDR3 1333MHz
HDD: Samsung SpinPoint F4 320GB |
25.02.2012 14:06 příspěvků:29 | Ještě sem se chctěl zeptat jakej kabel abych měl PC na TV místo monitoru ? |
25.02.2012 22:43 příspěvků:184 | HDMI CPU: Intel Pentium 4 HT 3.0 @ 3,3 ghz
GPU: Ati Radeon x1600pro 512mb
RAM: 2,5gb DDR
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 120gb 7200.7
Zdroj: Dynamic 350W
5 Fan in case |
28.02.2012 14:05 příspěvků:29 | Tak dík a jde to na každou TV ? |
28.02.2012 14:08 příspěvků:680 | To se tak nemůžeš zeptat... Buď TV má zezadu připojení přes HDMI tak ano pojede to, ale jestli nemá tak ne. Jestli si nejseš jistej, tak zkus poslat odkaz na telku. MB: ASUS M5A78L-M LX V2
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 960T Black Edition
CASE: Eurocase MiddleTower 301
ZDROJ: Fortron Green Power AX550-60APN 550W OEM
PAMĚŤ: Kingston 8GB KIT DDR3 1333MHz
HDD: Samsung SpinPoint F4 320GB |
28.02.2012 14:11 příspěvků:29 | TV mám tuto http://www.eva.cz/zbozi/56561/btv-lcd-lg-37lv375s/ |
28.02.2012 14:15 příspěvků:680 | stačí si to přečíst a máš tam napsané 3x HDMI. MB: ASUS M5A78L-M LX V2
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 960T Black Edition
CASE: Eurocase MiddleTower 301
ZDROJ: Fortron Green Power AX550-60APN 550W OEM
PAMĚŤ: Kingston 8GB KIT DDR3 1333MHz
HDD: Samsung SpinPoint F4 320GB |
28.02.2012 14:19 příspěvků:29 | Ták dík |
29.02.2012 04:57 příspěvků:1 | A lot of people currently are trying to find a way to overcome the lower economic system by starting their unique home based business. A lot of people have looked to network marketing his or her organization of preference. A large question of many men and women searching for a way to dietary supplement or substitute their cash flow is Multilevel marketing from home is often a legitimate organization. You will find opposing viewpoints about the Multilevel marketing business all together. You speak to a single person and they can explain how multi-level marketing is really a fraud and to keep significantly, far from that. Even so, the next person will explain that running a network marketing from your own home is the ideal organization and doing so helps their loved ones tremendously economically. How do we know who to hear and who is telling the truth? Let us break it down to the simple necessities! Initial, when speaking to someone about multilevel marketing or operating a business generally you have to take into account the origin. Contemplate a number of question like, "is that this person effective running a business?Inches, In .creates this change person are living the best of life that we are searching for?In ., Inchescreates this change particular person actually have knowledge in the marketplace therefore simply how much hard work does they will really created"? Next, look at the facts! Network marketing has been around for some time. Did you ever hear of a small company referred to as Amway? They going in the 50's and virtually provided the way for your multilevel marketing market these days.They're a multibillion-greenback worldwide business to this date and also have an NBA stadium named after them. So if operating work from home from your own home was not a real organization or possibly a con, don't you think so the authorities might have located the owners of Amway in the last 60 years and closed them down? mielno And finally, have a look at that is coupled to the sector. Mister Richard Branson and Donald Trump, two really outstanding enterprise heads, tend to be attached to the Multilevel marketing sector. Robert Kiyosaki, writer of the most useful selling publication In .Abundant Daddy, Bad DadInches and lots of other biggest sellers, states he views multilevel marketing an ideal business model. Seen the word "good results foliage signsInch? I'd claim that all of these men know what they're doing when it comes to owning a profitable company. So consider, why would they tend to associate them selves with Network marketing if it was not the best enterprise? The question isn't really regardless of whether working a network marketing from your home is a genuine company. Specifics also . and from what has been discussed previously mentioned, you can observe it is! By doing all of your research instead of hearing other peoples opinions you will find that multilevel marketing performs and has assisted many individuals health supplement their cash flow and many more attain a lifetime of fiscal liberty. Hence the issue really should not be about MLM's legitimateness. The problem you ought to be questioning is, "is jogging an MLM at home the right business for me personally"? Solve these questions . solution that honestly for yourself! When you have come to the final outcome that running a network marketing from home could be the proper company to suit your needs, there are some tips you should take into consideration before starting this undertaking. It is recommended that you locate a company that has a merchandise you can be obsessed with. After you accomplish, use a readiness to understand and become trained, use a no give up perspective but primarily, finding pleasure in the whole course of action can help pave the way for achievement in running a new Multi level marketing from home! chlopy |